Career Planning & Students Approaching Graduation

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For students approaching graduation, career planning and pathways are front and center. Below are resources to assist students in navigating their next steps after their chosen degree or certificate program. 

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Hitting Career Readiness Milestones

  • Ideally, by the time students are approaching graduation, they have gained some work experience or completed an internship, program, or volunteer engagement in their field of interest. 
  • Students should aim to do the following as they prepare to enter the workforce:
    • Network or connect with people in their fields of interest to learn more about jobs, pathways, training or credentials, and skill sets. 
    • Create and update a resume, practice writing cover letters. 
    • Engage in interview prep and learn interview skills.

Use College Career Services

  • Students should take full advantage of the career services offered on campus (and virtually). These may include career assessments, resume and cover letter workshops, one-on-one support, career exploration and job search help, and career fairs. 
  • Community colleges have many programs that offer pathways from associate’s degrees or certificates directly into the workforce. These can include the trades, manufacturing, health and life sciences, and more. 

Continuing Education

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Financial Aid and Loan Counseling

  • Students who graduate, leave school, or drop below half-time enrollment are required to complete federal student aid counseling.
  • Students may seek support in understanding what happens after they complete college, how to manage their student loans, and the different repayment programs available to them. 

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